logoLobster _data extensions

Lobster _data is a powerful tool. We have been using it in all our projects. For a long time. We were involved in some of the development. We have been trainers and consultants for years. Thus we know the strengths of _data very well, but also those areas, where there is room for improvement. Therefore, we have made it our task to identify gaps and ideally close them. True to the motto: We develop extensions that make your work with Lobster _data even more productive.

ReporterPE - to generate PDF files

Why bother with Jasper Reports when you can use ReporterPE to create professional PDF documents from LibreOffice templates in no time? Thanks to its well thought-out design, this post-executer is the answer to your PDF creation needs.

download ReporterPE

System requirements:

ReporterPE requires Lobster _data 4.6.x or higher. This version (1.6) of ReporterPE was tested in Lobster _data 4.6.1 to 4.6.9. Please note that we cannot guarantee the smooth operation of the PostExecuter in other versions of _data or with other extensions installed in /extlib.

Parallel operation with Jasper Reports

This applies in particular to parallel operation with older Jasper Reports installations. Older installations use iText 1.2.7.jar. This library is not compatible with ReporterPE. ReporterPE depends on OpenPDF (a fork of iText), which is now also used when using JasperReports. If there is an iText_1.2.7.jar in your /extlib directory, we recommend that you update the Jasper Libraries.


You can try ReporterPE for free on Lobster _data TEST systems. On PRODUCTIVE systems, a monthly license fee of €90 net applies. This price applies to a contract period of 12 months. You will receive discounts for multiple Lobster _data instances, for example for load-balance systems. Please feel free to contact us by email.